Qué es Margarita Aburto...

Una historia de trabajo

La historia de Margarita Aburto.

Es una vida de trabajo y lucha constante. Éxitos, fracasos y de fortaleza.

Es la historia de éxito de una mujer y empresaria mexicana. Margarita Aburto tuvo problemas de obesidad en la infancia; por ello la nana de la familia, quien era originaria de la Sierra de Oaxaca, empezó a ayudarla, no sólo cambiando su alimentación; sino también preparándole tés con efectos desinflamatorios, además de emplastos de hierbas que le aplicaba sobre la piel. Todo esto despertó el interés de Margarita Aburto por conocer más acerca de los secretos y cualidades curativas y embellecedoras de las plantas. Conociendo su entusiasmo por el tema, su abuelita (quien fue una magnífica doctora) empezó a apoyarla, comprándole libros sobre medicina herbolaria, usos de plantas, y todo cuanto encontraba relacionado con el tema. Fue entonces que Margarita Aburto decide experimentar en ella misma, mezclando hierbas y sustancias. Los resultados que iba obteniendo la animaron a seguir, continuo modificando mezclas, cambiando o añadiendo ingredientes, aplicando diferentes tipos y técnicas de masaje, hasta lograr la creación de la “Loción Margarita Aburto” además de perfeccionar su propia técnica que llamó “Masaje Escultural®”. En Acapulco trabajó exitosamente durante 20 años en su “Estética Margarita” donde aplicaba la loción y los productos que ella misma preparaba, hasta que en 1990 se formó la compañía: Margarita Aburto, S.A de C.V.. En el año 1993 se inició el lanzamiento de su método en la República Mexicana, en la actualidad se tienen funcionando más de 40 centros de aplicación y están por abrirse más. El éxito de Margarita Aburto, no se debe medir en la cantidad de lugares; sino en la ayuda que han obtenido las personas al usar su producto, obteniendo resultados reales y una gran satisfacción. Actualmente este tratamiento se aplica también en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y España.

Premios y reconocimientos.

No hay camino fácil




El 22 de Octubre del 2005.


9 de noviembre de 2006


The story of the Margarita Aburto empire is about hard work, failure, success and unwavering fortitude.

It’s a success story of a woman, of a mother, of a business entrepreneur.

Margarita Aburto had problems with obesity since she was a child. Her nanny, Serenia, who originated from the Oaxaca’s mountain range in Mexico, began helping Margarita by, not only making changes in her diet but algo preparing anti-inflammatory teas and patchers of herbs that were applied directly on the skin. All of this awoke and interest in Margarita to familiarize herself with plant that had curing properties. Serenia invited Margarita on a trip to visit her home town and there she showed her the secrets of many plants with healing effects.

Recognizing Margarita’s enthusiasm in learning more about the magic that nature provides, her Grandmother, a brilliant doctor, supported her quest for knowledge by purchasing book about herbal medicines, uses of plants and anything else she could find on the subject. Margarita began experimenting on herself with the herbs she mixed together and the results motivated her to continue. Modifying the mixes, combining, adding ingredients, applying different varieties and experimenting with massage techniques until she succeeded in creating a lotion called Margarita Aburto Lotion and perfecting her own technique called Sculpting Massage.

In Acapulco, she works for 20 prosperous years in Margarita Aesthetics by applying her lotion among her other products until 1990 when she found he company “Margarita Aburto S.A. de C.V.

That same year, she gave distribution rights of her products to a U.S. based company in Los Angeles and diligently trained its personal in there newly constructed facility for two years. Due to financial problems and legalities that resulted from the construction of te facilities, the contract was cancelled along with the distribution.

At her return to Mexico in 1993, she began releasing her products on her own all over the country and currently has over 40 treatment centers where she applies her products and wants to open 10 more! Although this is an impressive amount, Margarita does not measure her success by the amount of facilities operating but by 50,000+ people who hace used her products and have all seen results. Success is truly reflected by serving and helping numerous men and women.

The results seen in the mexicans have allowed the product to transcend borders and it is being applied in the United States of America, and Spain. Negotiations are currently underway for distribution in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Portugal, France and Italy.

In October of 2005, Margarita was recognized, and declared  “Top Marketing Woman of 2005” in the “World Congress of Marketing” by the National Institute of Marketing, the Latin American Confederation of association of Managers of Companies in Cleveland, Ohio USA.

Our Awards Successes

Failures and strength.

November 2000

The Golden Trilogy award is the delivery of a statuette with the same name that was established in November 2000, consequence of the fifteenth Anniversary of the editorial registry Journalistic Trilogy. On November 20, 2006, the Steering Committee of this Editorial House handed the Golden Trilogy of Beauty Makers 2006 medal to Margarita Aburto Zaldívar, recognizing her professional excellence for its distinguished career, tenacity, talent and road full of preparation, contant struggles for health, aesthetic beauty and business culture.

October 22, 2005

IN OCTOBER 22, 2005 it was granted this recognition called America Grand Prix of Quality and Service to Mrs. Margarita Aburto Zaldívar for her merited development in her professional and comercial activities proving her leadership in quality and service.

November 9, 2006

The National Association of Journalists A.C. (CINPE for its initials in spanish Círculo Nacional de Periodistas) granted this recognition called Golden Sun to prominent personalities who are distinguished for their dedication, professionalism and excellence. On November 9, 2006, the CINPE along with the National Chamber of Women, A. C. awarded it to Mrs. Margarita Aburto Zaldívar for representing with dignity a premier company in favor of Natural beauty of the mexican woman.